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Welcome to the Illinois Power Agency (IPA)







IPA Annual Report

Click here to access the IPA's Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Report




Renewable Resources

The Agency's activities related to the development of new renewable resources to support the Illinois renewable Portfolio Standard are guided by the Long-Term Renewable Resources Procurement Plan.

The Plan describes the implementation of:

Illinois Shines (also known as the Adjustable Block Program) -For photovoltaic distributed generation and community solar.

Illinois Solar for All -For low-income photovoltaic distributed generation and community solar.

Competitive procurements -For the procurement of Renewable Energy Credits from new utility-scale wind projects (projects over 5 MW), new utility-scale solar projects (projects over 5 MW), new brownfield site photovoltaic projects, and new hydropower projects at an existing dam or modernized or retooled hydropower projects at an existing dam.

Clean Energy Dashboard - Tracks the progress and impact of renewable energy development across Illinois.

Minimum Equity Standard (MES) -For projects receiving Renewable Energy Credit contracts under Illinois Shines or through the IPA’s utility-scale REC procurements for a given Program/delivery year. A MES is the minimum percentage of project workforce for participating projects that must consist of Equity Eligible Persons.

Energy Workforce Equity Portal -An online portal to help connect clean energy companies with Equity Eligible Persons looking to work in the clean energy sector in Illinois.

Large Customer Self-direct Program- For large electric customers to retire Renewable Energy Credits from new utility-scale wind and solar facilities and receive a bill credit reducing Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)-related bill charges.

Electricity Procurement for Eligible Retail Customers

The Illinois Power Agency (IPA) welcomes your questions and hopes you will take advantage of the information offered on our website. Please be aware that state ethics rules may require that some communications be reported to the Procurement Policy Board. Ethics Reporting Associated with Communications with the IPA provides more information.

Public Act 102-0662 Implementation

On Sept. 15, 2021, the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (Public Act 102-0662) was signed into law by Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker. With the enactment of the Public Act 102-0662, the Illinois Power Agency is tasked with numerous crucial implementation activities.

This dedicated CEJA implementation page serves as an up-to-date hub of information for those items from the Act being implemented by the Agency.

Learn More about the IPA's implementation activities under CEJA.

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